Saturday, September 3, 2011

september hours

Monday and Friday 9-6

Saturday and Sunday 9-6

Any other time by chance or appointment.

Come over and have a walk in the garden. We have a variety of perrenials starting at $3 for a one gallon pot.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

open garden and more

Come see the Summer Bloomers with over 4 acreas of perennial gardens to wonder througth including shade beds, full sun beds, rock gardens with 17+varieties of hardy cactii, grass beds etc.

Sunday July 31st 9am-5pm

*Free worshops:
11am-making concrete stepping stones

2pm-learn the correct way to split/transplant/plant Daylily's and Hostas.

63 Shoreview Rd, City of Kawartha Lakes
705 799-0062

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Plants for sale

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July hours

Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday 9-6

Saturday and Sunday 9-5

Wednesday- closed ( or by appointment only)

To fruit lovers we have Alpine strawberry plants and they are ready to go to a good home.

Th pictures above are; Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed and one of my garden.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Shown on the picture is a mix of penstemons in my rock garden. They love full sun and can grow in very poor soil. Some of them are in bloom all summer, and they are very drought resistant.

Blooming Cacti

Just want to let you know that my Cactus is blooming.
It is beautiful. Every day a new patch starts to bloom.I hope there will be a lot of flowers for the open garden on June 26.
Also, the Penstemon is showing off. Shades of pink and purple.
My favourite, Persicaria Polymorpha, towers over the garden. Huge blooms are covered with insects.
There are bumble bees everywhere.

On the pictures are; Echinocereus and Opuntia Polycantha

Echinacea list

We are having problems with our Internet connection.
Our Internet provider is a very small company and lately doesn’t work to good. Usually when I have a little time to write my Internet is down.
We have following Echinacea for sale;
Green Eye
Tomato soup
Secret desire
Now cheesier
Tiki torch
Secret romance
Secret lust
Green Jewel
Hot papaya
Mama mia
After midnight
Fragrant angel
Pink double delight
Most of them in short supply.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

open garden June 26

Hi-please let your friends knowWe are having an Open Garden on Sunday June 26th from 9am-5pm.We will have guided tours at 10 am. noon and 2pm.We have over 4 acreas of Perennials to see including: full shade, part shade, full sun, full sun drought tolerant (including hardi cacti) lots of grasses, trees and shrubs. Location: 63 Shoreview rd, City of Kawartha Lakes (15 min south of Bobcaygeon,20 min east of Lindsay, 1/2 hour from Peterborough)705 799-0062 Hopfully that day we will have most of the cactii in bloom Hope to see you there

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hosta White Feather

Double rainbow

June hours

We are open

Monday -Friday 9-6

Saturday and Sunday 9-5

June 23 and 24 11-5

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May hours 2011

Alpine Strawberries

We are open on

Monday - Friday, 9 - 6

Saturday and Sunday 9 - 5

If you are coming from far away, please phone ahead.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Basic troughs

Basic Troughs. Troughs should be no less than 6 inches deep inside. Ensure you have at least 2 holes for drainage. Soil mixture should be gritty-typical mix: 50% loamy soil with equal proportions of sand and peat moss (you may add some small stones or perlite) _____________________________________________________________ Mixtures for Troughs 2 parts Portland Cement 3 parts Horticultural Perlite 3 parts Peat Moss OR 1 parts Portland cement 1 part sand 1 part Peat Moss

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time to Seed

We had no access to Internet for the last 3 weeks so I couldn't post anything new.
I started lots of seed this year and I had quite good germination so far. I ordered for the first time from JL Hudson and I am very happy with his seeds.

So far I have germinated: Calycanthus floridus - Carolina Allspice.
Gymnocladus dioica - Kentucky Coffee tree- Íts growing very fast.
Gymnocladus Chnensis - Beautiful white flowers.
Picea purpura - looks so cute when is so little.
Licium Chinense- Interesting shrub with many medical uses.
Colutea x media 'Orange Blader Senna - Pea like flower followed by little inflated bladder seed pods.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Persicaria Polymorpha

Persicaria polymorpha, or Giant Fleece Flower, doesn't have showy leaves although you'll never miss them. IT grows like a big clump right infront of your eyes. It blooms in early summer and goes on into late fall, getting taller along the way. The flowers are pure white and attract a lot of insects. It grows fast and is well behaved in the garden.

I split mine last year to a few clumps and planted them all over the garden.

I am planning to add some to some part-shade beds.

This is one of my favorite perennials.

Pictures from the garden

I really like to take pictures of my garden. These are a few pictures from my biggest garden bed. One of the pictures was taken on a hazy day so it looks more like a painting than a photograph. I hope you like them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Opuntia polyacantha ‘Crystal Tide’

Opuntia Polyacantha 'Crystal Tide'

I bought this cactus from Gardens North. It is eye catching, whether or not it is flowering. The spines are very white, and they shine in sunlight. The flowers are white and resemble rose flowers.

It grows rather slowly compared to other Opuntia's. It is quite hard to move it due to the large amount of spines, so I use kitchen tongs to move the parts around.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Opuntia viridiflora

Opuntia viridiflora(Santa Fe cholla)

This is very interesting cactus, it looks like a shrub, and it is branched. Grows to about 30 inches in height and about 72 inches across. Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, apparently brownish-orange in the center .Fruits tubercular, firm and leathery, not juicy, yellow when ripe, persistent, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter Unfortunately mine haven't flowered yet. Flowers in July.

I don't have any recent pictures but my Santa Fe Cholla looks absolutely amazing. It is about 1,5'tall and 3'wide .It grows on the small hill in very sandy soil in full sun.

Single stems roots very easy to starts new plants.
Right now is fully covered by snow.
It has survived in my garden for five years .
My son really like this cactus and it took us about three mouths to find it .
It was worth it!